dimensions of model in blender not equal to dimensions displayed in shapeways

Discussion in 'Software and Applications' started by npm1, Jul 9, 2013.

  1. npm1
    npm1 Member
    Hello Blenderheads,
    I am having issues with the dimensions of my model, when in blender its the correct dimensions as i require but when i import it into shapeways using the online uploader the dimensions change....


    the dilema is in the picture above/ attached to this post

    Please help

    Kind regards,

    Attached Files:

  2. AmLachDesigns
    AmLachDesigns Well-Known Member
    What file format are you uploading?

    What units did you specify?
  3. npm1
    npm1 Member
    Thanks for responding

    i uploaded the file in STL, and the units used are milimeters-i've even tried inches

    Kind regards,

  4. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    From your Y dimension, before and after - .382/15 = 0.0254 so you probably have both an mm/inch and a mm/m conversion
    problem here.
  5. npm1
    npm1 Member

    How do i solve this issue
  6. AmLachDesigns
    AmLachDesigns Well-Known Member
    Two approaches:

    1. Export and upload as .x3d - I think in this case it will automatically keep your dimensions;

    2. Export and upload as .stl, but use meters as your unit.

    If you want to check what is happening separately, get Netfabb Basic (free) and load the .stl into that. It will tell you what dimensions the model actually has and may be useful to you down the line for other reasons (visualising and fixing mesh problems).

    Good luck!
  7. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    netfabb studio basic will also let you rescale your stl for upload in case you cannot figure out what goes on in blender
  8. npm1
    npm1 Member
    Thanks for all your time....peeps, you helped especially AmLachDesigns with his/hers tip on uploading the file....

    Does 500 euros sound right fo an item with the following dimensions?

    14.49cm x 15cm x 22.23cm its hollow with a wall thickness of 1cm
  9. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    Not totally unlikely given its relatively large size - do you really need 1cm walls ??
  10. AmLachDesigns
    AmLachDesigns Well-Known Member
    No problem, glad to help.

    That is the correct price for that volume with Shapeways for wsf. Does that make it right...

    mkroeker has a good point - 1cm thick walls will probably produce an over-engineered object, depending of course on what you are trying to do. If you want to share some more information, perhaps we could offer some suggestions on reducing the cost. For most of the materials the decisive factor is the volume of the model, so any reduction in that helps. But you must understand that for 3d printing with Shapeways, that is a large model and it will never be inexpensive.