flexible tab

Discussion in 'Design and Modeling' started by 253066_deleted, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. hi! i got a question about the first project i'm developing
    i got a pocket, to get cards in place i think at tab that keep firmly down the card, like clips
    what i need to know is how much the "strong and flexible plastic" is, exactily!, flexible ;) for example, a tab 1mm thick, 20mm long and 10mm wide how much mms can flex without breaking? is possibile 4mm?
    something like this: (the black line is the clip in its "natural" shape, the grey line is the clip pulled at maximum height)


    many thanks!

    matteo (italia)
  2. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
  3. wow! very flexible indeed

    who's the videomaker? it's possible to know how thick the piece of the video is?
  4. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    "less than a millimeter" was the answer given by the author in response to this question,
    in case you did not notice that in the comments section below the video. The lower bound
    is of course supplied by the design guidelines for the strong&flexible material, i.e. at least 0.7mm