3D Website Recommendations

Discussion in 'Software and Applications' started by randomblink, Jul 27, 2009.

  1. randomblink
    randomblink Member
    I figured it wouldn't hurt to start up a thread for posting links to websites and tutorials for the various issues Shapeways modelers run into.
  2. randomblink
    randomblink Member
    3D Buzz
    The link takes you directly to their 3DS Max Message Board, but they have forums for several different 3D Applications. This site has TONS of great tutorials and as a member (free) you can post questions with a fairly quick turnaround on answers. Be wary tho, if you don't take the time to search their forum before you ask a question, you are going to get your wrist slapped. But they boast a wide range of industry professionals who frequent their site. Great site!