ApertureMaker Shop

Hi ! ApertureMaker opens 3dprinting  & Creative Robotics  Lab / Onlineshop !
A unique collection of Retrogames desktoys, 3dprinting models,
Retrospace collectibles, Half-Life Fans items, Robots ... and more.
You can see my creations on  Youtube and support me on  Tipeee , PaypalTindiePatreon 
Thank you.



Happy 555


Hello, Computer #engineer  w/ over +30 years xp & Maker, passionate about new technologies, I created a mini-lab in Research & Development (R&D) - Specialties: #Android, #3DPrinting, #Electronics, Micro #Robotics, Internet of Things ( #IoT ), #M2M (Machine To Machine), #SmartWatch, #Wearable, #3D. All creations are currently in the prototyping phase. #R&D & #prototype dev require a lot of iterations during Prototyping, whether for #3DPrinting (Model adjustment, mechanical constraints, ...), Electronics ( #PCB design, components, .. .), C code for microcontrollers.
With your support, I would like to make a living from my creations, market them once operational, then create a commercial company and hire and self-finance R&D.