What CAD Software To Use?

Discussion in 'Software and Applications' started by 67729_deleted, Feb 12, 2011.

  1. 67729_deleted
    67729_deleted Member
    Hello everyone,

    Can someone please tell me what CAD software to use so that it can exports a certain file extension, that Shapeways can directly use it without having to correct its geometry?

    Thanks in advance

  2. bartv
    bartv Member
  3. 78120_deleted
    78120_deleted Member
    Just what do other people perfer to create their work with?

    I use to use AutoCAD back around 2000 but now I have to use a free program. Please only reply or vote if you use legal software. I'm a software engineer so I frown upon pirating software.
  4. stop4stuff
    stop4stuff Well-Known Member
    None of the above :confused

    Mainly, I use Imagine (IFW)2.0, occasionally Sculptris and even less often, Wings3D - even when modelling in Wings or Scupltris, I'll start with a base model from Imagine and convert the file using Accutrans3D. I'll also use NetFabb Basic for cheking the model and correcting any errors before upload.
  5. 37612_deleted
    37612_deleted Member