Wall Thickness Yellow Warning Sign

Discussion in 'Design and Modeling' started by 1238317_deleted, Jul 8, 2016.

  1. Hello everyone, I am trying to get a vacuum sealed thermos printed in plastic. The wall thickness should be thick enough, however its giving me the yellow exclamation warning sign. It seams to still be able to let me buy the item however, and I was wondering if this was just a warning or what the implications are here? Also, on the design view when you click view issues, the heat map is shown on the wall thickness tab. I am guessing anywhere this is red is showing the issue? Thanks!
  2. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    Yep. Red for serious issues, yellow for suspect areas (closer to the minimum required thickness). Clicking somewhere on the model image will display thickness at that point on the thermometer scale. Due to the way the tool works (segment into small cubes first, then check thickness of each cube), it does not recognize the local context of a feature, so will often flag tips, tapering edges or small surface details that are actually printable. (The final decision will always lie with a shapeways employee who checks your model before its first print, so if you are unlucky an order may be canceled even though the automated tests did not detect any flaws. Should that happen, you will receive both a refund and an explanatory message with a screenshot that highlights at least the first "fatal" issue.)
    If in doubt you can share the 3d view here through an option on the wall thickness test screen.