Starting Jewelry Design Journey

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by Artefacture, Dec 14, 2018.

  1. Artefacture
    Artefacture Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I am a newbie and have a question - I am about to create my first ring design project that I plan on uploading to Shapeways.
    I will be using Rhino to create 2 rings - male/female versions, cast in silver.

    There are mesh setting in Rhino that I need to address:
    Properties > Mesh > Custom:
    Maximum distance, edge to surface: 0.01
    Maximum initial grid quads: 16
    Refine Mesh: Checked
    Simple Planes: Checked

    Export STL for upload.

    - - -

    Are there any other items I should be aware of when setting up my file and exporting for production when it comes to using Rhino?

    Thanks for your advice!
    - Andreu
  2. lawrencekramer2014
    lawrencekramer2014 Well-Known Member
    If Rhino has a way to be sure the surface is manifold, that helps to avoid geography that can not be printed.
  3. Artefacture
    Artefacture Member
    Thanks Lawrence, appreciate the tip - to be clear can this also mean that the solid must be a 'closed polysurface'?
    - Andreu
  4. lawrencekramer2014
    lawrencekramer2014 Well-Known Member
    Hi Andreu,
    Not sure about the Rhino terminology.
    I'm using Blender with the 3D printing add-on. Every software package seems to like to use slightly different terminology. But the term seems reasonable. Maybe a Rhino user will chime in...
    Best Wishes,