Marketplace Search Not Working

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by javelin98, May 30, 2021.

  1. javelin98
    javelin98 Well-Known Member
    As if it weren't bad enough that Shapeways moved the Marketplace to a tiny text link at the very bottom of the page, now the Search function isn't working at all. Even extremely common terms like "train" and "locomotive" return no results, not to mention the names of my own products.

    Fix yourselves, Shapeways! If you don't want us here as shopkeepers, the drop the pretense and shut down the Marketplace altogether.
  2. coelian276
    coelian276 Well-Known Member
    Search doesn't work. Even when you just select a whole category, there isnothing displayed.
  3. 20gear
    20gear Member
    I've been having this problem for a bit, thought the site was going down all together
  4. adbinc
    adbinc Well-Known Member
    Maybe they fixed it? I searched for 3788 Scale Klingon and got lots of items.