Fixes Not Being Fixed.

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by aptivaboy, Feb 5, 2017.

  1. aptivaboy
    aptivaboy Member
    Is there something wrong with the error checker? It's been buggy for me, at least, for several days. I upload a model, I go through the error checking process and usually something like a thin wall will pop up. I'll click "save and exit," the repair process will start but then one of two things will happen.

    1. The screen will simply not change other than the progress wheel spinning round and round.
    2. The fixes won't be fixed nor saved. Instead, the prior screen will pop up.

    As you can imagine, this is driving me nuts. Any help?

  2. Youknowwho4eva
    Youknowwho4eva Well-Known Member
    Can you share with me an item that you're having issues with so I can investigate?
  3. aptivaboy
    aptivaboy Member
    Thanks. It eventually resolved itself, but only after multiple tries. This was the big problem:

    It took a couple of days and more attempts at repair than I can remember. The big thing is that you'll click on save fixes and the file or page will attempt to save and refresh reflecting the changes, but won't. The little progress spinners will be going round and round for hours if you don't click out of or close the page. Then, when you check back on the model the changes haven't been saved and you're right back where you started most of the time.

    Many thanks,
