Community Journal - your voice on the blog!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 7943_deleted, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. 7943_deleted
    7943_deleted Member
    Hi Guys,

    I love how we share what we are up to amongst ourselves here on the forum, and Bart, Michael and I thought it would be great to share it with the wider Shapeways community.

    So from today, we're pleased to announce the Shapeways Community Journal, a bi-weekly blog post celebrating what is going on in our community!

    Check out the first installment today: mmunity-Journal.html

    Let us know what you would like to see included next time!

  2. bartv
    bartv Member
    Hey folks,

    any reactions? I'm rather curious about what you think of the CJ.

    Thanks :)
