Rhino ?

Discussion in 'Software and Applications' started by debdeb, Jul 17, 2017.

  1. debdeb
    debdeb Well-Known Member
    Hi, wondering if it makes a difference if I export my Rhino model to an STL file or if I should covert to a mesh and then export to STL?
  2. Shea_Design
    Shea_Design Well-Known Member
    I skipped NURBS in school but I would suspect you would want to look at the triangulation, maybe set maximum edge length or spatial resolution before bothering to upload the STL. Remember you have a budget of around 1 million polygons,.. if you need, which is sometimes less than I need. -S
    debdeb likes this.
  3. unreal3D
    unreal3D Active Member
    Hi, if you convert the polysurface to a mesh it's better, because you can control the file and see if it has errors (non-manifold edges, zero length edges, degenerate faces, etc.). If all this is ok, you can export the piece to a STL file.
    You won't have problems with the 3D printing. If you have problems, write me ;-)
    debdeb likes this.