Wrl Model Shown With Wrong Colors

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by mkroeker, Apr 23, 2017.

  1. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    My model with SPIN: 2QHNM98J6 is a WRL file using material colors per primitive. The central tetrahedron should be yellow (and printed as such some years ago) yet the new(ish) previews show the entire model as uniform red. I downloaded and re-checked the model file already, this is an error on your end.
  2. Youknowwho4eva
    Youknowwho4eva Well-Known Member
    Hmm I'll see what could be causing this.
  3. Youknowwho4eva
    Youknowwho4eva Well-Known Member
    Your model should now be correct! Just needed to be reprocessed.
  4. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
  5. crnm
    crnm Well-Known Member
    I went ahead and escalated this issue to our 3D tools team. Hopefully we can track down what happened here and prevent it from happening again.