Color Sandstone

Discussion in 'My Work In Progress' started by 1445045_deleted, Jan 24, 2017.

  1. Hello, I am trying to do a color printing, with no success. I am doing a sphere with UV mapping, a .png texture, and I pack in a .zip file, but I don't see the color in the viewer.

    Can someone help me with this?

  2. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    Which file format are you using for the geometry part ? (Only wrl, x3d and dae are supported with color, but not obj).
    Also the geometry file must contain just the plain name of the texture file without any local path or windows drive letter prepended - open it in a text editor to make sure.
  3. Hi, what I am doing is to export to SimLab composer, and then export a collada file, and now it works. Maya export tools are "Autodesk style" doesn't work sometimes. There is any Maya 2017 plugin for correctly export to some format admitted? or even for Max.