We’ve deployed a small change to our site to clarify a model’s visibility and for-sale status settings. This change will appear within the the model visibility control on the Product Detail Page and the Model Upload page.

To start, we changed the label to “Display and Sale Options”, and the new UI works as follows:

The first checkbox controls whether a model is displayed publicly in the user’s shop, galleries, etc. If the box is checked, it will appear in these places for site visitors. If not checked, it will only be visible to its creator.

The second checkbox controls whether it’s for sale or not. If not for sale, it will appear as “not for sale” in galleries.

The way to let a user share his model privately with a hidden link still exists. The user should not select the box for “Listed on site?”, but should select the box for “Allow others to purchase?”

Default behavior is for both boxes to be selected.