This week’s Designer Spotlight is with Gabriel Prero, who runs CuffJunkhis Shapeways shop, where you can purchase an assortment of awesome and unique cufflinks.


Tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? Where are you located?

My name is Gabriel Prero. I was born and raised, and am raising a family in Chicago. I always wanted to “make stuff better,” and try fill that role as much as I can every day. I’m an Industrial Designer for Home Products International, where I design home storage, organization, and garment care solutions. I’m also the Co-Founder and Chief Design Officer for BioSpawn Lure Company, as well as Principal of Prero Design LLC, where I consult on design and product development primarily for startups.

What’s the story behind your designs? What inspires you?

There are two distinct parts of me that I think merge very well in the design world. I really like whimsy and fun. The magic you feel when playing with a good desk toy, or using a really well executed product. I also enjoy the technical side of things. Watching manufacturing is fun for me. I love products made with high precision. I like understanding the processes behind things, and working that into design. I think both of these come across in my cufflinks. I’ve been fortunate enough to work directly with 3D printers every day for nearly six years, so I’m very in tune to what works and what doesn’t, both on a technical scale and on an artistic one. I always look to do designs that have high levels of detail, and bring a certain magic when miniaturized. When doing names and monograms, it’s that balance of clarity and class with soft technical detail that I strive for.

What brought you to 3D printing with Shapeways?

I think a blog post first turned me onto it. I had been tinkering with some cufflink designs on a printer I had access to, and decided to try them in steel on Shapeways. I’ve always loved “man-cessories,” particularly cufflinks, so I was really excited to have my own designs on hand, or “cuff.” And that was my button cufflinks. I decided to list them, and the rest is kind of history.

How did you learn how to design in 3D?

I studied industrial design at the University of Illinois-Chicago School of Art & Design. We had some formal training there in 3D modeling. Since then, I spend most workdays swimming in Solidworks, so I’ve become pretty well versed in it.


How do you promote your work?

I do a bit with social media. I really love Instagram. Get in, see a picture, get out. Quick, and visual. I do a bit on Twitter as well. Much of my custom work has spread by word of mouth, which is nice, and if you google image “Hebrew name cufflinks,” you find a lot of my work, which helps. I’d like to ramp up promoting, but am trying to toe the line between profitable hobby and business.

Who are your favorite designers or artists? Who in the Shapeways community has served as an inspiration to you?

The Eames, Bucky Fuller, Raymond Loewy, Dieter Rams, Mies van der Rohe, Brooks Stevens. They continue to inspire me every day. Around Shapeways, I’m still jealous of some of the work Gotham Smith has done. I’ve worked with Bathsheba Grossman, a consummate professional with intense talent. Lately, I’m inspired by solutions people are coming up with for product fixes. It’s the kind of thing that got me interested in design in the first place. Like the MINI key fob that you guys just blogged about. All about making stuff better.

If you weren’t limited by current technologies, what would you want to make using 3D printing?

Over the years, I’ve made a lot of things I’ve wanted using 3D printing. But nothing big yet, outside of my day job. And nothing with mixes of wood, glass, plastic and metal. I’m waiting for the day when I can print out some of my larger designs without it being cost prohibitive, or truly wonderful mixed material designs.

Anything else you want to share?

I’ve been a “Shapie” for a while now, and it’s probably one of the few services that I rely on that I really just love. And part of why I love it is because when I think something can be improved, you guys listen and act on that. It’s awesome. A few months ago, Andrew was kind enough to give me a tour of the LIC facility, and it was great to feel not only a guest, but a critical component of the process, and have a voice that’s heard. Keep it going!