
Jack of all trades, I love how 3D design and printing frees my imagination into the real world.
I've invented, designed and built and programmed all my adult life when not doing my day job! What you see here is just a small fraction of my experimental designs. I'm on thingiverse as Fluidity.

I use descriptive scripts that are then rendered for my designs, this gives me a way to blend absolute precision when it's needed, with soft flowing curves, ripples and others of natures favorite forms. Nature is an explosion of maths art, when you understand sine waves you are understanding the sea, when you look at a fern you are seeing a mathematics fractal. When you look at a sunflower you are looking at more of nature's amazing use of maths to create amazing patterns.

In my flat the lampshades are all different 3D printed patterns. My vases are 3D printed maths art, My containers are 3D printed tests of my designs, my own 3D printer is mostly 3D printed replacement parts, some of which I have redesigned. My key protector is my custom design in ninja flex as is a shock absorber for the car key connector. I have 3D printed kitesurfing fins and rudders of my own design.

I have a passion for turning ideas into reality!