Help! model description

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by sledhead, Jun 24, 2012.

  1. sledhead
    sledhead Member
    Help, I can't seem to find a way to add a model description on my shop page! Am I seriously missing something obvious here, or is there no way to add a description at this time?

    Thanks for any help.
  2. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    It's small and not well hilighted.. but it's been there all along...

    Last edited: Jun 24, 2012
  3. sledhead
    sledhead Member
    Oh wow, thanks! Right in front of my nose, like I expected.

    I think it would help if there was a text box. Is there any way to separate line of text? I end up with one large paragraph no matter what. Is there a formatting code somewhere?
  4. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    Several things from standard HTML work, such as <br> for line breaks and <b></b> for bold