Default Sort

Discussion in 'Shapeways Shops' started by NingHuaDesign, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. NingHuaDesign
    NingHuaDesign Member
    Can I set " Newest " as my default sort in which my models are displayed to customers ? There are many sorts in the drop-down menu, shop owners should be able to set one of them as default.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2012
  2. 7943_deleted
    7943_deleted Member
    Yes! You can select "Newest" as the default sort for your shop, the same as you do for your models.

    Additionally, in the updated Shop Inventory, you can easily sort the display order of your models.

    It would be this page:

    It is the beta version, so if you find any bugs or have ideas for improvement please let us know as you explore it!
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2012
  3. NingHuaDesign
    NingHuaDesign Member
    Thanks. The inventory does work. But how can I set "Newest" as default sort ? I could only set it for "my models" page, but it doesn't work on front shop page where customers will see.
  4. Youknowwho4eva
    Youknowwho4eva Well-Known Member
    Currently the only way to do that is to set your sort to newest, and type in the new sort numbers manually.
  5. NingHuaDesign
    NingHuaDesign Member
    Setting sort numbers manually is a good way. It works and brings shop owners more freedom to adjust display orders. Thanks.