Stainless Pass/Fail design help needed

Discussion in 'Materials' started by ankabela, May 7, 2012.

  1. ankabela
    ankabela Member
    Attached is a pic of a recently approved model. There are no move-able parts, except that each part would print near each each other's ball/socket section, I intended this to be a whole-printed model but learned Shapeways's stainless policy of no more moving parts (like chain mail or a baby rattle).

    I also understand from the Community that designs not printable in certain materials would not have those choices unavailable to them. My recent-approved upload is apparently available in all media. Please review the attached and let me know if you feel this would be Stainless Steel friendly.

    Attached Files:

  2. stop4stuff
    stop4stuff Well-Known Member
    Hi Kenton,

    The material selector is based on purely bounding box criteria, asides from FCS which must have colour infomation in the model.

    Do you intend your model to have moving parts?
    If yes, your model will be rejected at order time as each model ordered for the first time will have a human check before commiting to the print service, if no, you model may still be rejected if the checker feels that there will be print difficulties and even after being approved by the checker, the model may fail the print process and be rejected. (been there, done that and used as an example for what works or not when pushing the limits.)
