What's your most brittle material?

Discussion in 'Materials' started by MickLang, May 5, 2012.

  1. MickLang
    MickLang Member
    This will probably sound bizarre, but what's your most brittle material? Can I print a very thin mesh or coil from it? I need it about as fragile as a christmas tree glass ball.


  2. 20201_deleted
    20201_deleted Member
    Definitely the GLASS media! Just how thin are you thinking about?
  3. stop4stuff
    stop4stuff Well-Known Member
    Frosted Ultra Detail (FUD) being acrylic is quite fragile and can go down to 0.3mm wall thickness, even 0.5mm wall thickness is quite easy to poke a hole through with a wet frayed cocktail stick (I was experimenting cleaning & removing print lines from a model)