Help with Cad to Shapeways Workflow

Discussion in 'Design and Modeling' started by 94875_deleted, Apr 6, 2012.

  1. 94875_deleted
    94875_deleted Member
    I am trying to create a 3D shape to uplaod to shapeways. I am comfortable drawing in Microstation, so I started to compile the shape there. Now I am would like to determine the best way to get from .dgn format to something shapeways can print.

    The attached .dgn is in progress, and just the beginning of the part I am trying to "machine". I wanted to pause and see if I could have some success transitioning to shapeways before I proceed much further using cad as my design platform.

    Any advice?

    Thanks in advance.

    Attached Files:

  2. It looks like .DGN is the program's CAD format. You need to export a (supported) mesh format. The Microstation help docs claim that you should be able to save to STL, which is good for anything except Color Sandstone.