size problems (STL and WRL exports)

Discussion in 'Design and Modeling' started by 21332_deleted, May 2, 2009.

  1. 21332_deleted
    21332_deleted Member
    really new here!
    I'm uploading my first models and it seams that there is a problems with sizing.
    My original models (3dsmax8) are in the scale of centimeters and mms, but I'm getting e-mails from Shapeways stating that they are to big.
    For example a part that mesures 4 x 2,8 x 1,55 cm when exported, reads as:
    58.1 x 108.5 x 154.5 cm (h x w x d).
    Does someone had the same problem?
  2. B1lancer
    B1lancer Member
    I have the exact same problem, have you found a solution?

    Regards, Jack
  3. 21332_deleted
    21332_deleted Member
    it seems exporting in .DAE and using generic units (not metric) works OK (in 3dstudioMax).
  4. B1lancer
    B1lancer Member
    Thank you for the reply, I will try this out :)

    Regards, Jack