Materials selection question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by alekesam, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. alekesam
    alekesam Member
    Hello, I'm new around here and I can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for.

    Is there any way to get more choices of material for an uploaded model? For example, I uploaded a model, went through the printability check and all is well. But when I go into my shop I only have a few options to pick for it upon buying it, even though there's more (and cheaper) materials available on the site. Is the materials pre-picked based on design? And if so, can I change it?
  2. stop4stuff
    stop4stuff Well-Known Member
    Hi alekesam,

    Welcome to Shapeways! :)

    Many of the materials have minimum and/or maximum size restrictions based on the size of the bounding box that the model will fit into. Sometimes a model can be made to fit the box sizes by rotating the mesh relative to the model's axis, other times the model will need to be scaled up or down.

    The maximum sizes can be found from the Materials Comparison Sheet, and more information can be found via the 'design rules' pages for each material.

    Hope this helps,