unpaid earnings - what does it refer to again?

Discussion in 'Shapeways Shops' started by MichielCornelissen, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. I never know; on the shop page, where it says 'unpaid earnings' - which period does that refer to again?

    And the 'lifetime-earnings' - is that up until 'now', or something else?

  2. virtox
    virtox Active Member Moderator
    If I recall correctly:

    Unpaid earnings is the almost (*) total amount that will be payed out on the next pay date.
    It shows all earnings up to the 15th (*) of last period
    On a day like today pre payout it shows a higher amount as it includes the old and new value until the current payout is updated.

    The value is markup (ex vat) minues markupfee (inc vat)
    So it is a bit off a bit of for NL business owners as we get the vat too ;)

    *The payouts seems to INCLUDE the 15h also last time I checked there was a 1 day difference between the prognosis and the actual payout.

    Lifetime earnings seems to be a realtime counter.
    for markup (ex vat) minues markup (inc vat)

    Last edited: Jan 16, 2012
  3. Hey Stijn,

    Thanks for the explanation! That must why it's a bit on the high side all of a sudden. A tad confusing.

    But thanks for the explanation!

    Oh and uhm... hate to bearer of bad news but... you know you're supposed to pay that VAT stuff to the taxman... right!? Or are you going to tell me I've been doing something really, really stupid??

  4. virtox
    virtox Active Member Moderator

    Yes, I know, unfortunately ;)
    There is K.O.R. though, and we get a return on the paid VAT.
  5. hdrop
    hdrop Member
    I find the amounts displayd on the dashboard page confusing. The "lifetime earnings amount" includes the mark ups of canceled orders.
    That's money that you will not receive...

    By the way, I have not received payment on the 15th of january. Did anyone else?

  6. I got paid yesterday. I thought last time I checked, canceled orders were not part of the lifetime earnings...?

    In any case, yeah, some more clarity would be great. Another thing I asked for is to indicate exactly which period the pay-out refers to. We need that, even if only for accounting reasons.

    Poor chaps have a lot on their plate I guess :)