New to 3d Modeling and Shapeways

Discussion in 'Newcomers Lounge' started by Twopounder, Jan 14, 2012.

  1. Twopounder
    Twopounder Member
    Hey all. I just started 3d modeling using sketchup. I obviously have a lot to learn, but I've been slowly developing some aftermarket parts for 40k. I have some original designs, but those are taking longer (they're much more complex).

    If I run out of my own ideas, I'll probably offer to do some modeling for free. I can't make 2d art, so it's really hard for me to concept ideas.

    Anyway, hopefully I can develop some good stuff for the community :)
  2. 9694_deleted
    9694_deleted Member
    Heya twopounder!

    Where do you hail from?

    If you find yourself interested in doing a little modeling for free, as a way to practice, you should ping me. I connect with people looking for 3D modelers all the time.

  3. Twopounder
    Twopounder Member
    Washington State in the US of A. I'll keep you in mind :). I have no experience with anything organic or overly complex yet, but I'm getting there.