Photo caption text length limit when shown + no edit possible

Discussion in 'Shapeways Shops' started by robs_mw, Oct 20, 2011.

  1. robs_mw
    robs_mw Well-Known Member
    Hi Shapeways,

    a) There seems to be a limit on the caption text length when showing the photo....if the model name is a bit long, hardly any characters are left to show the caption below the photo; however, when uploading a photo, a long text can be entered...

    VW Amarok set: pickup cap + cover (H0/1:87) Painted cap +
    for the caption I have only 13 chars left it seems with this long model title... ( cap___cover__h0_1_87_.html?gid=sg40366)

    b) after upload, it seems the text can not be edited anymore, which leaves you with no other option then to delete the photo, and re-upload again...

    c) also the caption is not shown at all when using popup box for showing the photo's...

    Can this be fixed please?

    Best regards,
  2. duann
    duann Member
    Thanks again Robert,

    This has been flagged with the developers.
