Any Good 3d Converter Software?

Discussion in '3D Design Requests' started by 93909_deleted, Oct 15, 2011.

  1. 93909_deleted
    93909_deleted Member
    Hey everyone!! :cool:

    I have recently bought a 3D television. I am just loving the experience of watching movies on it. And playing games on it is even more exciting. Last night I was trying to play some 2d videos onto the 3d TV, But was not able to play them. So I just want to know where there is an application or a good converter which could convert the 2d videos that I have to a 3d format so that I can watch them on my new 3D TV. I am awaiting your response.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you.
    Steve Martin :cool:
  2. mctrivia
    mctrivia Well-Known Member