booleaned multiple shells

Discussion in 'Design and Modeling' started by 90720_deleted, Jun 30, 2011.

  1. 90720_deleted
    90720_deleted Member
    Hey folks, ok so, trying to get a character model printed for my friend's birthday. I uploaded no problem and then ordered. After ordering I got an email saying that there was an error with multiple shells.

    I get that it's 'ok' to have multiple shells as long as they are all each separately 'water tight', but there actually isn't supposed to be any in this model. It's just 1 solid model. He (the model) is made up of several parts (the head is a separate object from the teeth, and tongue, and body, each leg is a separate object 'stuck' to the torso, etc... BUT in 3ds max I booleaned all the parts together into one object, so it should just be a single shell right?

    But even in Netfabb each part is still recognized as a separate shell.

    I thought boolean-ing fixed that??

    Anybody got any tips?
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2011
  2. Eeppium
    Eeppium Member
    Boolean usually creates seams between two joined parts, this could cause an error.
    have you tried the repair function in netfabb ? the red cross on the toolbar, just remebmer to apply the repair before exporting the part.
  3. 90720_deleted
    90720_deleted Member
    So, are you saying that if I have 1 object made up of several objects it's better to not boolean them in the first place?

    I did try repairing it in Netfabb, but it still gave me multiple shells, so I assumed that the problem was not fixed...
  4. Eeppium
    Eeppium Member
    I generally try to keep them as seperate objects, for example in my Crystalring all the crystals are seperate meshes.

    cant really say more about the multiple shells problem, since I haven´t had it myself...
    can u share a picture or a part of the original file ?
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2011
  5. 28396_deleted
    28396_deleted Member
    try not Boolean your self - let shapeways server do it for you
    BUT if successful, view the model in the java 3d model viewer to see that all is OK before you order it.

    if not, pm me the stl file i'll look at it for you.