Clear Acrylic Material

Discussion in 'Materials' started by 67729_deleted, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. 67729_deleted
    67729_deleted Member
    I wonder if Shapeways could create a new material called clear acrylic. :)
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2011
  2. GWMT
    GWMT Active Member
    My Solidworks VAR just sent me a link to this Objet video:

    I'd love to be able to print window inserts out of Vero Clear; it'd work great for model cars and trucks.
  3. VeryWetPaint
    VeryWetPaint Member
    The transparency depends on finishing techniques more than the material. You can already perform that kind of finishing on "transparent detail" (FullCure 720) models by following the polishing steps described at at

    The video acknowledges special finishing steps are required.

    VeroClear eliminates the amber tint, but it probably takes just as much effort to make the models truly transparent. Notice that the models (in the video) that achieved the best transparency were the ones that had broad, easy-to-polish surfaces.

    Pay special attention to the transparent Remote Control model at 1:30 in the video: the easily-polished exterior surfaces are glossy and transparent, but looking through it you can see the interior surfaces are patterned, translucent, and foggy in some places.

    There's undoubtedly a demand for this sort of result. But it's likely Shapeways would have to do extra prep (model orientation & machine setup) and finishing steps (sanding & polishing, omit blasting). It's more than just switching materials.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2011