Would this work?

Discussion in 'Design and Modeling' started by 72674_deleted, May 31, 2011.

  1. 72674_deleted
    72674_deleted Member
    Would having the shutters on this house stick out as they do in the pics actually work when being printed? The little highlighted box is a 1mm cube, so the thickness of the shutters should be ok for WS&F right? I'm curious as to how shapeway's software handles intersecting geometry though. The shutters aren't connected with the geometry of the main house, and in fact most of the detail on the house is just intersecting geometry. Will it actually print as if they were connected?

    How much of a connection does there need to be in order to be secure enough to not break off during cleaning? For instance, the shutter with the cube on it seems suspect to me, since it only has one end of it intersecting. Would any of the shutters even work?


  2. B1lancer
    B1lancer Member
    Yes, the object will be converted to a single mesh when you upload to shapeways, so intersecting geometry will print joined together.

    They should print fine with 1mm thickness and ANY intersection will mean they are just as joined as a bigger intersection.


  3. stop4stuff
    stop4stuff Well-Known Member
    With your intersecting geometries, there may be some issues on upload and processing if 3 or more parts overlap - some parts may be omitted altogether.

    Netfabb Basic is a great free tool for checking and repairing your models, and I would recommend that you use it to make sure everything looks right on your model before uploading.