Where did the formula go...

Discussion in 'Customer Service' started by 891_deleted, Oct 26, 2008.

  1. 891_deleted
    891_deleted Member
    There used to be something that would allow you to specify how much you wanted to spend material-wise, then it would tell you how to scale your model. Where did that go?
  2. 4808_deleted
    4808_deleted Member
    I don't remember there being anything on the site that did that. However, as a rough rule of thumb, if you halve the size in one dimension, you halve the volume, and thus the cost. So, if you halve the size in all three dimensions, it will be 1/8th the cost. Double the size will cost 8x as much. It won't be exactly that as the cost includes postage etc (and minimum purchase price of $25), but that will give you a rough guide to how cost scales with size.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2008
  3. bartv
    bartv Member
  4. 420_deleted
    420_deleted Member
    it would be nice to put this formula somewhere easier to find? If you're new to the neighbourhood, you won't scroll through the whole blog....
    Thank you
  5. pete
    pete Shapeways Employee CEO
  6. 420_deleted
    420_deleted Member