Manual Correct Problems need to be address ASAP - rejecting 1mm thickness wires on WSF

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Feedback' started by AotrsCommander, May 23, 2016.

  1. AotrsCommander
    AotrsCommander Well-Known Member
    I am becoming increasingly concerned with the manual checking system.

    In the past two weeks, I have had three models (one of mine and two commissions) be rejected, with the rejected parts being stated as variously "unsupported wires" or "weak geometery" and indicating the gun barrels, which are 1mm or (in the latest one) 1.1mm thick - well above the minimum requiresments of WSF materials.

    Further more, these models have been printed before and I use and have used gun barrels and other parts of no less than 1mm on nearly every single model of the 300+ models in my shop, so I KNOW they will print because I literally have hundreds of them printed.

    The error reports have also been variously unclear, unhelpful, wrong in reporting what the rejection issue was and contratrary to both the established design rules and previous printing experience.

    This is more rejections I the past fortnight that my models have had anytime in the past year, since I started working at a model designer full-time.

    What is going on?

    If Shapeways has changed the design criterion for WSF such that it is no longer possible to print models with 1mm thick parts (as a deliberate decision contrary to prior operations), it means that Shapeways is no longer a viable print house option. It further means that, basically, I am out of a job, as my webstore here is my primary source of income. so this is a VITALLY important issue that needs to be resolved.

    If the design rules have changed, then they need to be updated immediately and tsuch a change of magnitude needs and needed to be sent out to all shop owners and an emergancy update.

    If the design rules have not been updated, then the manual checking system needs to be dealt with post-haste, as these issues are wasting my time, your time and most of all, our mutual customer's time.