Wall thickness issues

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by warmachine, Apr 11, 2016.

  1. warmachine
    warmachine Member
    I am wondering? I have some designs for upgrades and accurizing model kits of various scales and when I keep loading my files I allways have the problem of wall thickness deficiencies. These parts can not be thick or chunky I.E airplane wings, propellers, prop blades, door hatches etc., etc. I have purchased some awesome parts from some of the members that have really thin edges how are they getting around it? Should I just ignore the warning and push on and have it printed anyway? Please is there anybody who can help how to get around this and yes I use
    Netfabb to verify the mesh integrity and dimensions.
  2. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    Ignore warnings (yellow markings) for tips, tapering edges and small surface details - the 3dtool is not sophisticated enough to recognize them for what they are. As a rule of thumb, thin areas are no problem as long as they do not extend significantly beyond a length corresponding to the minimum thickness value for the material.