1/144-160 Scale Combat Loads

Discussion in '3D Design Requests' started by pzgen, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. pzgen
    pzgen Member
    I am part of a group that collects and uses Military Micro Machines. I have taken to using the Micro Machine M270 as a resupply variant called the Tracked Cargo carrier M1108 using a selection of 1/100 scale Combat Cargo Loads i.e. a pallet of artillery/tank ammunition. a pallet of jerry cans, a pallet of small arms ammunition and a pallet of six 44 gal fuel drum as per the link:
    http://inmicronetbuzzboard.yuku.com/topic/1568/Combat-Cargo-] http://inmicronetbuzzboard.yuku.com/topic/1568/Combat-Cargo- Loads

    Is anybody available to produce ammunition pallets or fuel bowser in 1/44 or 160 scale? They are relatively simple and uniform in shape. A 120mm tank ammo pallet for an M1A1 tank for example is simply a series of tubes stacked. I have attached a couple of examples:

    120mm tank ammo
    http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_LqFnwabo-4w/TSKPmMOMGuI/AAAAAAAAHZ I/4Lvmtrm--mI/s1600/id_hemtt_m977_700_05.jpg

    http://www.army.mil/e2/c/images/2015/10/26/413890/original.j pg

    155mm ammo

    Anti Tank Missiles
    http://u0v052dm9wl3gxo0y3lx0u44wz.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp -content/uploads/2014/11/Ammunition-Unit-Load-Container-ULC. jpg

    25mm/30mm cannon ammo
    http://www.epicos.com/EPCompanyProfileWeb/Content/ASSENSYS/3 0mm%20MPDS%20pallet.jpg

    A fuel bowser or UBRE: Demountable Bulk fuel Dispensing System looks like this:


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 5, 2016
  2. 1015383_deleted
    1015383_deleted Well-Known Member
    pm sent
  3. accushape3d
    accushape3d Well-Known Member
    pm sent