Purchaser selected materials

Discussion in 'Shapeways Shops' started by Talltim, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. Talltim
    Talltim Member
    There are quite a few items I would like to buy from others' shops, but they are not available in the material I would want. For example there are a lot of items in FUD that were created in before FXD was available and so cannot be ordered in it. Is the only way to get them in a different material to contact the seller?

    Last edited: Jan 8, 2016
  2. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    Yes. It is the seller's choice to offer a design in any of the various materials, and they have to do the extra work of deciding what markup they want for that material.
  3. Talltim
    Talltim Member
    Ah, I was forgetting about the markup, coming from the railway modelling side of thing I tend to think of stuff as just being shared (cos thats what I would do), but obviously there are a lot of people that want to, quite fairly, make some money from their design work.
  4. Ngineer
    Ngineer Well-Known Member
    Even without a markup it still takes some effort. If a designer wants to add FXD he/she has to visit every model in the inventory, check if it's printable in FXD (it usually is when it can be printed in FUD, but items larger than 50mm in any direction can not be printed) and tell the system to enable FXD. If you have 2 models that's no problem, but if you have a few pages of them it gets boring quite quickly.
  5. NickHawkins
    NickHawkins Active Member