How to put the proper SPIN on this?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by draw, Dec 1, 2015.

  1. draw
    draw Well-Known Member
  2. Ontogenie
    Ontogenie Well-Known Member
  3. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    Rather obvious phallacy of shapeways' sophisticated AI that generates the SPIN from the look of the model
  4. drloris
    drloris Well-Known Member
    Is that modified when you upload a new model? (Test on another listing)

    If not perhaps you could replace the model with something long and smooth in porcelain?
  5. draw
    draw Well-Known Member
    I assume the SPIN number would not change with a model update. Maybe I'll upload another copy of the model for the store and preserve the old SPIN number for a more appropriate design! ;) I just had a good laugh when I first saw it pop up on the screen. It's like the old story about monkeys banging on a keyboard. Eventually they will type something.

    On the other hand if there's a way to prescreen SPIN numbers for certain words automatically before assigning them that might be a good idea, but it may be hard to come up with a list of no-no words that cover many languages.

    Last edited: Dec 1, 2015
  6. Andrewsimonthomas
    Andrewsimonthomas Well-Known Member
  7. kaadesign
    kaadesign Well-Known Member about a 10% discount on special part numbers?