Is there any "trick" (a common template or shortcut) to lighting made of text?

Discussion in 'Design and Modeling' started by 772322_deleted, Nov 28, 2015.

  1. Hi!
    I've seen loads of sculptures, lamps, nightlights, etc. that take anything from a single word to short phrases and even lengthy quotations, and sort of... wrap the text around an invisible cylinder. These pieces seem to be pretty common, and they look extremely similar, so I wondered whether there was some well-known (among non-ignorami; hence my being unaware of it lol) template or just a standard method for creating them.

    Failing that, I figured I would just build a mock-up by hand, scan it in, and have it printed.

    Any suggestions? I'm in classics (and linguistics), and the intended recipient of this shares my fascination with palindromes, while his area of study professionally is parasomnias, so I thought it could be quite fun to give him a light made out of a little Latin palindrome that mentions sleep and light :)
  2. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    There used to be an "Easy Creator app" for this - unfortunately it got broken by some changes in shapeways' backend about a year or so ago and has not been returned to service yet.