Chris Hardy's 'Re-loved' Cesca Chair

Discussion in 'My Shapeways Order Arrived' started by 28345_deleted, Aug 9, 2010.

  1. 28345_deleted
    28345_deleted Member
    Thanks Shapeways. I wouldn't have been able to do this without you guys!

    In situ at the Powerhouse Museum Sydney.

    This response to Powerhouse Museum's Re-loved exhibition arose from looking at modernist attitudes to adopting new technologies in the early part of last century. Just like Breuer's Cesca chair, one of the first cantilevered chairs brought about by the use of new fabrication techniques, this reinterpretation of the Cesca chair (a modernist classic) uses contemporary generative techniques and rapid prototyping technology as an homage to modernism.

    The generative method used is voronoi subdivision of a point cloud. This enabled further meaning to be built into the chair by using an image of the chair's creator to influence the point cloud - Breuer becomes a ghost in the chair. The technology used to build the chair was selective laser sintering (Shapeways). This was used based on its strength characteristics and its ability to be formed quickly and easily based on the quite complex geometry.

    Modelled in Rhino & Alibre, rendered with VRay for Rhiho

    Construction images

    Chris Hardy
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2010
  2. bitstoatoms
    bitstoatoms Member
    Very cool

    Great to see a larger scale project on Shapeways.

    well done

    Was this on show at the Powerhouse in Sydney?
  3. 28345_deleted
    28345_deleted Member
    Thanks drscott, it was really great to work at this scale. I enjoyed it heaps.

    That's right, the chair is being exhibited at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney until mid October as part of their 'Re-loved' exhibition.

  4. bitstoatoms
    bitstoatoms Member

    shoot me an email at duann(at)


  5. Jettuh
    Jettuh Well-Known Member
    WOW amazing :eek:

    that would have costet you a lot of money? :eek:
    i say 1500dollar? :eek:
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2010
  6. chaitanyak
    chaitanyak Member
    wow! a large scale print!
    that first photo made me sit up and look closer! :D
  7. That's absolutely incredible. WSF, I assume?

  8. 4m3D
    4m3D Member
    Love this... Fantastic job...

  9. 28345_deleted
    28345_deleted Member
    Thanks everyone, really cool to hear that people like my work!

    Jettuh: yep, it was expensive about $1060 (not as expensive as it would been without Shapeways).

    Drawn-Steel Hero: that's right, WSF. Such awesome material properties and really cheap as well.