ambiguous explanation in web page "how we pay"

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Feedback' started by FabriceN, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. FabriceN
    FabriceN Member
    1: in

    first it is said in the "big picture":
    "Markups are paid when the total you've earned (minus the fee) is greater than US$30."

    but it is said in the before last point of the FAQ:
    "We include the markup fee when we are counting whether your total markup reaches the US$30 minimum. "

    E.g., one of my product has a $30.18 total markup (for precious metal), minus 1.06 fee -> it falls below the threshold... or not ?

    2: Note that the email I received said "total: " for what was indeed the total markup minus the fee, so... not the total.

    3: we can enter our pricings in either Euros or Dollars. But the rate of currency fluctuates.
    -> So, is the price maintained in its origin currency ? or is the price setting just a currency-to-dollar converter then the reference price is the dollar version ?

    thanks !