Can you print a design's parts each from a different material?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by AitorMonreal, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. AitorMonreal
    AitorMonreal Member
    I just designed a necklace consisiting of a hollow sphere which houses inside a cube (search for "sphere housing a free-to-move cube (necklace)" and it should be the first one to appear (has a beta sign and is 14k gold plated as predeterminate)). The thing is that the cube inside isn't attached at all to the sphere meaning it the design basically consists of two different parts. My question is, can I print each different part from a different material/colour (a customer likes it like that best).

    If someone knows an answer to this please notify me ASAP

    Thank you so much, any helpful comment is more than appreciated.
  2. Keymaker
    Keymaker Well-Known Member
    you can not print one model in two material at once. You can only each part (as two separate model) in different material.
  3. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    Not currently possible with the metals, though you may get a rough approximation by ordering a "polished" product where the inner object will stay unpolished due to inaccessibility. (Assuming that the order does not get cancelled because it is not clear to shapeways that this "flaw" is intended)

    You could do it in either "full color sandstone" (superglued gypsum powder painted in-process with an inkjet) or "full color plastic" (same process as "sandstone" but using plastic powder instead of gypsum, less color fidelity due to lack of black ink). Or find a different supplier who has an "Objet Connex" printer that can mix different polymer blends - quite expensive and as far as I know the result is fragile.
    Not sure how fdm printers with two filament reels would fare, but I guess it would be rather messy.