Emboldening htlml cufflinks

Discussion in 'My Shapeways Order Arrived' started by 368411_deleted, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. Here is my latest effort - http://shpws.me/ISK1
    Be bold, by enclosing yourself in HTML bold tags.

    Bold, yet subtle...

    Bold cufflins - front.jpg

    Bold cufflins - side.jpg

    Bold cufflins - back.jpg
  2. HenrikRydberg
    HenrikRydberg Shapeways Employee Design Team
    <H1> for the boss man ;)

    Hilarious idea this!
  3. Thanks Henrik.
    perhaps I should consider making some <head> earrings :)
  4. drloris
    drloris Well-Known Member
    Careful now - it's a slippery slope.
    Before you know it you'll be making <body> epaulettes, necklaces made of <a> links, <button>s, <span> belt buckles, <iframe> phone cases and <footer> toecaps.
  5. Slippery slope, or inspired product range? :)
  6. renay
    renay Member
    i'm leaning toward inspired product line :)

    i love the smooooothness too of the cufflinks

    Last edited: Aug 10, 2015