About the text

Discussion in 'Customizable Products & Design' started by numarul7, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. numarul7
    numarul7 Well-Known Member
    There it is a need to do in house test on fixed font size , that it is PRINTABLE so no failed prints happens.

    It can be easy done by Shapeways employee with a flat WSF design and test like different font sizes.

    This it is needed ASAP.
  2. MrNibbles
    MrNibbles Well-Known Member
    Having been sensitized to embossing/engraving errors over the years I noticed that some characters, such as the letter M should be ok when embossed but will have acute angles when engraved, which in the past have periodically caused rejections for width violation. Will you eventually be using different fonts for embossing and engraving?


    Also here's another example of a model being messed up by the personalization. Are there some general tips for this situation like staying away from edges, don't exceed some amount of curvature, etc., to ease the burdens on the tool?

  3. bulatov
    bulatov Shapeways Employee Dev Team
    This is perfect example to display current problems with engraving in wrong places.
    The diagram below shows top view of the model. The long text box is wrapped around cylindrical wall.
    The total region which is affected by text is light blue box. The red region behind the wall is affected by
    unwanted artifacts.
    We are working on the problem.
  4. MrNibbles
    MrNibbles Well-Known Member
    I could use the ring creator to do stuff like this if it allowed for making larger sized rings and engraving/embossing on the outside of the ring. It'm not sure how far you can scale up a downloaded model from the ring creator before it gets lumpy bumpy looking. One would think that there are all sorts of round objects that could be personalized such as napkin rings, bracelets, etc.
  5. bulatov
    bulatov Shapeways Employee Dev Team
    RingCreator is good next candidate to switch to the new customization technology. All those cylindrical shapes have specific geometry and customization would not suffer from those spill-through problems of current CustomMaker which is trying to deal with arbitrary geometry and sometimes fails.
  6. MrNibbles
    MrNibbles Well-Known Member
    Well this is cool. I realized I still had the personalization on after modifying the edge of that thing with bumps so I tried some text personalization and got this. That's a very nice superposition on the base pattern!


    Offhand I'd think that embossing images on existing images may create other interesting patterns, possibly to generate interference patterns or multiple/recursive modifications when the modified models can be downloaded and re-uploaded for repeated processing. Something for the art inclined people here to contemplate and experiment with.
  7. bulatov
    bulatov Shapeways Employee Dev Team
    Yes, the text and image can overlap with each other and with other pattern on the surface of the model.
  8. numarul7
    numarul7 Well-Known Member
    It would be nice to have that option for rings to write inside of the ring (bracelet ) : wedding rings and stuff in EU are done like that , we don`t use diamonds in here for wedding rings.