
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GRedulla013, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. GRedulla013
    GRedulla013 Member
    Is this available in shapeways? Because if I want to create a box or any shape with extruded designs and have a lid or to be a container.
    And if already available, is their a specific size for it and what are the variations that can be use.
  2. Plastic and interlocking metal (pilot program) can accomplish what you need. Material specs for distance between parts so they dont seize can be located here: https://www.shapeways.com/materials/strong-and-flexible-plas tic

    Good luck
  3. UniverseBecoming
    UniverseBecoming Well-Known Member
    Yeah, we call that printing in situ. This is where the whole hinge assembly is printed in place and no assembly is required. As PJMProductions has suggested one needs to be mindful of the clearances when designing moving parts that will be printed in situ.