Markup - how to decide?

Discussion in 'Shapeways Shops' started by nigelren, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. nigelren
    nigelren Well-Known Member
    I'm still in the process of generating some work which I would like to turn into items to sell on SW's. Once I have the designs, the next part is to decide what to sell them for. So to start (hopefully not too many more) a few questions which I would be interested in feedback on...

    Do you try and find comparable items(if possible) or just think about what someone might pay for the particular model?
    Do you think underpricing items can have a negative effect on peoples impression of the quality of the item?
  2. katkinkead
    katkinkead Well-Known Member
  3. nigelren
    nigelren Well-Known Member
    Thanks - I will have to do some more work and then perhaps see how they fit into various marketing ideas.