auto checks not working propely

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by tinarity, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. tinarity
    tinarity Well-Known Member
    hi there,

    it's really getting a nuisance with the auto checks SW does on the model (especially wall thickness)

    I usually upload a model, wait until its gone through its auto check routine and then make sure the wall thickness is all green (sometimes I have to improve the model and update it until it meets the auto checks satisfaction) only after that I put the model on for sale.

    BUT when I check the approved model again a few days later it suddenly shows up with problems again!

    How canit happen, that the auto checks seem to change their mind? Does it mean I can't rely on the given information unless it has matured (and really really made up its mind) for a week or two?

    I have to make the rounds through my models which is quite time consuming.

    Any pointers, ideas or solutions?

  2. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    I'd say do not put too much trust in the wall thickness test - it cannot distinguish between load-bearing walls and small details or tapering edges. If it marks some part of your model as suspicious, compare thickness as measured in your modeling program or netfabb studio against the appropriate value on the materials page, and only then think about making changes to your model. Even if the part section under scrutiny happens to actually be an "unsupported wall" in shapeways terminology, numerical inaccuracies in the voxel decomposition algorithm may lead to yellow markings when the actual thickness is at or slightly above the minimum.
  3. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    For someone to look into this, they will need specific Model #'s
  4. tinarity
    tinarity Well-Known Member

    first thanks for your attention.

    If I can't have any trust in the auto check wall thickness what's the point? I will probably get a 'not printable' notification when I order it, which is even more frustrating.

    here is one of my models (actually more models are/were affected) which showed green on all metals when I released it. Now it has doubts about the steel metals.

  5. panguver
    panguver Well-Known Member

    I see there many long unsupported branches and not recommend offer it for sales. If you will have console 1mm-tubes with 5mm+ in length, they can be broken (deformed) while wearing of yours bracelet.
