Link Thickness & Gaps for Polished/Color WSF: Links for Single Part Prints

Discussion in 'Materials' started by 8th_elephant, Dec 14, 2014.

  1. 8th_elephant
    8th_elephant Member
    As in the title, I'd like some advice on how thick links/loops/rings should be for linking multiple parts for a single part print.

    Recently, I did a few Print Anyway products to be finished in polished red WSF & orange and received my notice that some parts may not have been printed as specified. The red parts arrived in red with no polishing and broken links. This is fine (if not charging me extra for polishing) as these parts are epoxied to wood & fiberglass. The orange parts arrived with no links and no polishing or color.

    I would have liked to be able to choose polished or non-polished colors since many of my client's need the rougher surface to glue my products to other things.

    Upon reviewing my parts again, the thin walls warnings in my prints were not due to the links between parts, but some interior structure which wouldn't be affected by the polishing or dying process. The links are the white parts in the photo and measure .880mm triangle sections. No photo of the orange parts but the links are the same.

    Thus I'd like to know how thick these links should be given to links and how much gap is needed to accommodate the polishing material.


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    Last edited: Dec 14, 2014
  2. 8th_elephant
    8th_elephant Member
    I'd just like to add more of my experience with the "link" method as I've just received a prototype that was successful in SWF-Black.
    The link was also 800um in diameter, but I suppose it passed all the initial tests because it wasn't being polished.

    Thus far, it seems that the software prefers 1.5mm diameter or larger links for anything that will be polished to pass the tests.