Confusion about how a ShapeWays app is built !

Discussion in 'Shapeways API' started by 659963_deleted, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. Hi, I am new here.

    I have recently been learning how to program.

    I am interested in building a ShapeWays App.

    I have confusion, as on the developer page, I read the following:

    - This How To Guide will take you through the steps necessary to create a working Shapeways App.

    With this in mind, may I ask what the actual steps are necessary to create a working ShapeWays App.

    Do I use JavaScript. Is there a tutorial please ?

    Thank you, I have so many ideas, this would be a great opportunity for me.

    Best Wishes

  2. hjdkraus
    hjdkraus Member
    Hi, Rielaiz.
    I don't have an actual answer per say but when I contacted Shapeways with some of my questions about getting started with the API, the representative who responded to me suggested I submit my questions to <>... Hopefully that might be of some help to you too!
  3. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    The Getting Started guide is rather clear......
    1) Register your account
    2) Register your app
    3 ) Familiarize yourself with JSON
    4) Setup an OAUTH1 login process
    5) Get the security tokens for your app
    6) Start sending API (html) calls to "do things" such as upload a model, etc.