Elasto-Plastic Orientation

Discussion in 'Materials' started by Gkolpi, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. Gkolpi
    Gkolpi Member
    Hi...does anyone happen to know how to determine definitely how a model will be printed in reference to origin axis?
    In the material descriptions it states for Elasto_plastic that the tendency is for the model to print larger in the x/y directions by .2mm and .4mm in the z direction. I would like to compensate for these tendencies in my model but don't know how my model will be oriented for printing.
    I design in SolidWorks converting to .stl file format and then run it through Netfabb for checks.
    I don't know if the axis information I see in Solidworks/Netfabb files is seen as the same axis in the printers.
    I am assuming the possibility that there might be some conversions eg. x becomes y, y becomes z, z becomes x.
    I've written to Shapeways last week with this question but haven't received a reply.
    Thanks - Baba
  2. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    The problem here is that shapeways may decide on a different orientation each time the object is printed, as they try to stack together as many models as possible in each print job...
  3. Gkolpi
    Gkolpi Member
    Thanks for the reply