Krylon UV resistant clear coat acrylic

Discussion in 'Finishing Techniques' started by 599776_deleted, Aug 17, 2014.

  1. Has anyone tried putting a clear coating on the Strong and Flexible nylon plastic specifically the product Krylon UV resistant clear coat matte arcylic. Thanks
  2. wedge
    wedge Member
    I have painted some models with acrylic colors and than used a spray coating to protect the colors.
    I Always use the polish Material for painting.
    If you want to paint it its a good Idea to prime the parts. The material is very porous so th color is diffusing through the material. And the Material is absorbing the paint ...
    Even with paint and coating the surface will not be very smooth.
  3. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    There are a few reports here in this forum cautioning that Krylon varnishes may themselves cause a slight yellowing of unpainted WSF, though the "UV resistant" one was never specifically mentioned. So it would indeed be good to hear from anyone who has specifically used this exact Krylon product - it would be rather unfortunate if it brought about what it was intended to prevent.