Comments not being accepted on Blog

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by lensman, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. lensman
    lensman Well-Known Member
    I've reported this twice to Shapeways, including today.

    Is anyone having problems adding comments to the Blog entries? I have tried on two different computers, and three web browsers to add comments to a Blog post. They are simply not being accepted. When I tried on the second computer today, some few hours after my initial attempts on other computer I got a message saying something like "Oops, looks like you just repeated yourself", which indicates to me that the "system" took my comments they just weren't showing up.

    Right now, apart from one Blog post that has 30 comments, not a single one has a comment at all (not even the usual Spam!), which is what made me ask this question here.